Track C: Global Precipitation Measurement Hotel Pennsylvania Presentation Special sessions CE Credit : 3.50
April 21, 2023 03:30 PM - May 10, 2023 06:00 PM(Asia/Kolkata)
20230421T1530 20230421T1800 Asia/Kolkata Light as a Cosmic Time Machine

Normally, when a massive star reaches the end of its life, its core collapses into a single black hole. But if the star was spinning very rapidly, its core might stretch into a dumbbell shape and fragment into two clumps, each forming its own black hole. A very massive star as needed here often forms out of the merger of two smaller stars. 

And since the stars would have revolved around each other faster and faster as they spiraled together, the resulting merged star would be expected to spin very quickly.

Hotel Pennsylvania Astronomy Conference 2023
13 attendees saved this session
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Normally, when a massive star reaches the end of its life, its core collapses into a single black hole. But if the star was spinning very rapidly, its core might stretch into a dumbbell shape and fragment into two clumps, each forming its own black hole. A very massive star as needed here often forms out of the merger of two smaller stars. 

  • And since the stars would have revolved around each other faster and faster as they spiraled together, 
  • the resulting merged star would be expected to spin very quickly.

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