Accommodation & Transportation


Go to Abstract Settings and configure your abstract management system based on your requirements. From setting up deadlines for abstract and review submissions to enabling rebuttal, from enabling open review to disabling double blind review, you can do it all from the settings.

(This step is optional: If your abstract submission does not have multiple submission types or does not require authors to select a submission type, you can skip this step)

Go to Submission Types to create submission types you need. Each submission type can have its own submission start and end date. Has option to display a submission type only to those authors whose abstract has been submitted viz. for submitting full paper. Admin can create separate set of fields for each submission type and display in the abstract submission form.

(This step is optional: If your abstract submission does not require authors to select an abstract topic, you can skip this step)

Go to Abstract Topics/Tracks to create topics you need. Authors and reviewers can select topics while submitting the abstracts and registering as reviewers respectively. Abstracts are automatically assigned to reviewers based on the topics they have selected. Abstract topics can also be used as tracks so chair can assign abstracts to these topics/tracks. Then, track chairs or panel directors can assign these abstracts to reviewers.

Go to Form builder > Abstract submission form to create new fields in your submission form. You can also unpublish the default fields.

Go to Form builder > Review submission form to create questions in review submission form. You can unpublish the default fields. (Optional: You can perform this step later once you have collected the abstracts and are ready to assign abstracts to reviewers)

Go to Website builder > Navigation to enable "Create Account" and "Abstract Submissions" button to allow authors to create account on the event website and submit abstracts.

Here're some notes/screenshots on the rest of the workflow on how an author would submit an abstract/panel, reviewer would be assigned with the abstracts and track chair / chair committee would make decisions:

Below is a screenshot of the user dashboard to update profile, submit abstracts and review assigned abstracts.

Under My Abstracts, author has to click on Submit Abstract button to go to the abstract submission form and submit the abstract. Author has the option to either save abstract and submit later or submit right away. Once the abstract is submitted, author would have the option to edit the abstract until the last date.

Admin would assign submitted abstracts to a reviewer or multiple reviewers to review the abstract. 

Reviewers will receive notifications about the new assignment and can then log in to their dashboard and review the abstract. Reviewers can rate abstracts on multiple criteria, send rebuttals to authors, engage in discussions with other reviewers among other things.

Admin can go through the reviews submitted by reviewers and can either accept the abstract or reject it or send it to authors for a revision. Once the abstract is accepted, a notification is sent to the author of the same. 

Later, admin can auto-populate sessions in program schedule using Program Builder.

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