Test abstract

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Abstract Summary


Send bulk email campaign: Added a filter for tasks in contacts view so admins can filter users by tasks status whether tasks have been completed it or not. Updated "Notify users" in tasks view to notify only those users who have not completed this task. Add an option under submission settings to auto-approve the replies from authors as soon as they submit it and send it to the reviewer instantly. In ticket layouts in frontend, display the Proceed, Select Attendees, Select Abstracts, Discount code, and Checkout buttons as fixed buttons in the bottom of the page. The complete payment button, however, would display as it is displayed currently. Fixing the buttons at the bottom of the page will help users know where the button is. Right now, some users have difficulty finding the proceed or checkout button because they have to scroll through so many ticket types. In payment page, however, since all steps are mandatory for the user, the complete payment button should display when they scroll to the bottom (as it

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Partial Nonprofit
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1 visits